Wednesday 2 February 2022


It's Nice to be Back 

2020 to 2022 has been unsettling. For some, online working, shopping, and recreation has kept them sane. For me, I abandoned many online activities and began to live a somewhat low tech life. I hate to admit it, but I'm loving it, but I have missed writing here.


When it comes to clothing, everyone has a splurge? Even people who buy all their clothing at the grocery store, have a something they splurge on. 

For Me it's cashmere sweaters: I once splurged on a V-neck pullover bought at Black Goat Cashmere in Vancouver. It's the best quality one I have. The ones from I bought from the Bay, or Costco or yes, a grocery store, have come and gone. The one from Black Goat was definitely worth the splurge.

My Favourite Ballet Flats Guy Brian Davis told me: "I'm so cheap in my everyday life but I have no problem spending $175.00 to $350.00 on a cute pair of flats." reported that, during the pandemic, the United Kingdom splurged on loungewear, UGG and Crocs and that Calvin Klein was the "best performing brand" in respect to online consumer traffic. tells us that for Lady Gaga it's Michael Jackson's clothes — apparently she bought a crystal glove for $100,000. and his black and red jacket that he wore on his Bad Tour for $250,000.

It's interesting that people who once would splurge on certain luxury brands they coveted when their incomes were lower no longer want those things now that they can afford it.

Add a comment and let us know . . .  

What have you splurged on?


  1. Glad to see you back. It's your ballet flats guy Brian here. Not sure why my Google account is so messed up

    1. Patience is certainly needed. I'm in the same boat. The blog is not easily retrievable and it seems only those who are friends and know me personally are visiting. In fact this will be published as Anonymous because my own blog is not reading my profile. Maybe it's time to pack it in, delete and start over. Seems a shame to lose everything though. So I'm putting up with it.


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