Sunday 17 May 2020

In Readiness to Return to Work

Over the next week, certain districts in North American and European countries will be allowing shops to re-open under particular guidelines. Our prairie newspaper (retrieved April 23, 2020 from Saskatoon Star Phoenix) reported: "Some of those guidelines are geared to specific businesses, including bans on trying on clothes at clothing stores, which will also be encouraged to use online purchases and adopt no-return policies." Since then guidelines have been changed and adapted to more realistic limitations. With the original guidelines, customers like me, asked, "What's the point?" Government policymakers listened to retailers and now guidelines are much more reasonable for the face to face shopper.

Although I recognize it is much easier to buy online, I do not want a world where that is my only alternative therefore if we do not support storefront businesses, they will go bankrupt and I certainly don't want that. 

As we check the days of the calendar in anticipation of hairdressers and more retail outlets re-opening between now and the middle of June as the flattening trend continues, it's time (if you haven't already) to get your wardrobe work-ready. 

Instead of saying, "I have nothing to wear", you can say "everything feels new again".

Re-organize - take out all winter wear and if you have the luxury of another closet, place everything you won't need this summer. Make sure they are clean, mended and stored properly whether in drawers, bins or closets. This is also a good opportunity to place winter things in a "donate" bin for things you know you won't wear again. You will be ready when clothing donations will be accepted.

Organize your closet by colour and category. Place all tops starting with white, followed by colours - light to dark with black ending the "tops" category. Now do the same for skirts, followed by shorts, capris, jeans and pants, and dresses.

You probably have noticed that you have a particular colour palette represented in your closet. In summer, my colour palette is what I affectionately call, "sea, sand and sky" — basically blue, beige and white. Kick it up a notch with yellow or red and you can portray variety with essentially a limited numbers of pieces. 

Summer wear also means more casual wear and after working at home or not working for two months, we may have become a little too lax, a little too informal. 

Greek Designer. PhotoSource: AngieB
Appropriate casual workwear can be characterized by 4 features:
1. Nice and simple as in this sheath dress. The design encorporates textural detailing without being over the top.
2. cover up — nothing revealed. Say "No thanks" to too short shorts, bosomy cleavage, cropped tops and sheer sheer fabrics."
2. clean up — nothing grungy, nothing sloppy. Say "No thanks" to oversized t-shirts and badly fitting denim. 
3. add to — upgrade your look with natural fabrics, simple but well tailored pieces, and  statement accessories and make it "note-worthy". In the sheath dress photo, notice the shoes — simple nude heels which don't compete with the dress. Yet summer suggests colour so play with it in your accessories.
Photo Source: Zenka

Accessorizing is where you can play with colour. Scarves, belts, shoes and jewellery express your individuality. As with all advice at this time . . . do it creatively but do it responsibly.

😃Spring 2021 Update: Does dis-order in your life overwhelm you? Changing Spaces by Design has recently published a guided journal with inspiring affirmations, suggested daily strategies to create clutter-free spaces, time management recommendations, and charts to record your project. Shirley B says, "I embarked on the process and am pleased to say that it really does work. I put my stuff in order, found stuff I had forgotten I owned, and got rid of stuff I no longer need (that is somebody else’s stuff now). The result – I know what I have, and where to find it. Amazing!"

You can check out their launch page at 30 Day Journal to Triumph Over Clutter.

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