Saturday 25 April 2015

"Another Blog" Thoughts

We have been blessed with the privilege of living in two locations: France and Canada. Several readers as well as other friends have suggested that I write more about my French life. Since this blog's focus is clothing, I am in the decision making process to begin yet another blog and so I visited Dear Blogger and read the post on The Best Places to Start a Blog. Perhaps I am not quite ready since I only half read through the long list of possibilities? 

Blogger has served me well enough for my needs and even though Dear Blogger tells me that this venue is rather simplistic, I know that money can fix that problem. So now the question is do I want to spend the money to produce a fabulous backdrop for my writing? It's all in the packaging I am informed. Perhaps I am not quite ready for that either since my eyes glaze over when I read about slick modern eye candy for my blog?

At the same time I write those sentiments, I realize that I advise putting your best foot forward in the clothing that you choose to wear. Perhaps I should practise what I preach?

I also need to assess exactly what I want from yet another blog being added to the hundreds of thousands out there already. This blog has fulfilled several of my personal goals and I am grateful for each of the visitors and particularly for those part of Closet Fashion Content Analysis loyal readership. Perhaps I don't need to begin yet another blog, just re-construct and add more lifestyle topics to CFCA?

Now that brings yet another thought . . . what could I call it? CFCA was a misplaced descriptor that became it's name when I was creating this blog. I never bothered changing it and so here I sit with a title that is a tad cumbersome (and that's being kind). I'm not quite a luddite - on the continuum, I'm at the lower end of technological experience although I am aware. A name change would definitely be required with a re-construction of this location. Perhaps it would be easier to start fresh with a new topic and a new backdrop and a new name? 

As you can see, my decision making process is presently in a bit of a jumbled state. Perhaps when I arrive in France on April 29th, my thoughts will be clearer?

But I digress . . . I promise my next post will return to more clothing and closet-related content.


  1. Blogging can be a tough "job." Although for most it's not a job but more like a pay cheque. Well for most it's not a pay cheque either. But we must get something out of it or feel rewarded or we wouldn't do it. I've followed your blog for several years and I know how much work you put in to it. I've taken a special interest in several of your posts cuz they had a special meaning to me. It always important as a reader to leave feedback when a blogger writes about something you like. It's that pay cheque thing! If the readers aren't interested they likely won't comment. It's hard to know how to attract everyone's attention and comments with a posts. As for the direction you go and a redesign of your website I'm not sure what to say. Hopefully a relaxing flight to France and your first sip of wine will lead you to the answer.

    1. As always, I am grateful for your participation in this blog. I have decided to keep it as it is for what it is. As for the "pay cheque", this blog does not bring the number of hits/visitors that would warrant a pay cheque. My goals were personal and developmental, insofar as my writing goes, therefore I never paid attention to the suggestions made about self-blog-promotion for high readership. It is what it is and will remain as such. And I hope that you will be there to keep reading! With great appreciation . . . JoyD


Your comments inspire me and so I read them in gratitude and reply with delight. Thank you.