Tuesday 21 February 2017

A Max Mara Experience: What a Gift!

I have a friend with whom I love shopping. It seems that we gravitate to similar brands, even similar colours and we enjoy each other's commentary about design, price points and service. Unfortunately she lives about a six hour drive from me and so we do not have regular shopping dates, but rather, if we are lucky, an annual excursion. 

Years ago I remember a visit to a consignment store with her, where there was a Max Mara dress and long jacket ensemble. This was a time when I was teaching in a public school and she was working on her Masters with plans of establishing herself with a financial institution. We were the same size although she is taller than I. The navy Max Mara dress was perfect for either one of us, however, she thought it might be a bit short for her. She deferred to me and I bought it. It was the perfect length for me. I still have it. I still wear it. 

I do love Max Mara and look for the brand in consignment shops, on sale while at Holt Renfrew and in factory outlet stores when I am in Europe. My friend also loves Max Mara and shops in upscale and designer storefronts wherever she is in the world. Life is good.

Max Mara Plum Jacket Photo Source: JoyD Creations
Last week she came to visit and to make a long story a tad shorter, she gifted me with a Max Mara jacket. She bought it for herself but it spent more time in her closet than on her and so she decided to offer it to me. It happened to be a bit too short for her. Our shopping history may have some repetitive features. It turns out it's the perfect length for me. It does have a belt however I find with the belt, the proportion is not right. The fabric is rather thick and it bunches at the waist where I prefer not to have fabric bunching. There is an ever so slight swing action happening and I do love that style.

At first, I found myself hesitating; calculating how much it cost her; how much she might get at a consignment shop; and should I offer her compensation and how much; or would I offend her if I offered too little . . . I finally just said "thank you and I love it". 

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